Monday, March 23, 2009

The ABC’s

Just learned: ABC = Always Be Curious

via @SavvyAuntie

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Real Need


“Life requires leadership, not conformity or cowardice.” dld

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Commitment: Winning & Excellence


“The choice to commit to personal excellence and winning is yours.” dld

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tools & Technology

You can either use the tools supplied [Scenario: change a flat tire] or you can use new tools AKA: technology [a real floor jack and an air tool]... one is better than the other... Technology is a tool.

You can do a lot of damage using a tool [an Impact wrench] the wrong way... broken wheel studs etc.

How you use the tools available matters.

Friday, March 13, 2009

What is Innovation in a Knowledge Economy?


"Thinkovation is about the power and impact of People + IDEAS." dld

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Business Enterprise: Components to Success

“Problems create opportunities. Opportunities seek solutions. Solutions create value. Value creates revenue. Revenue creates profits.” dld

*Find problems and create customers; then you have an opportunity to serve that need.

Feedback: The Future is Now for Organizations


Are you listening to complaints at the same level and degree as praise? Feedback is an opportunity. Are you listening?

If the organization [people] is not, it is missing out on a prime opportunity to learn and improve products or services. If customers and others complain, they are indicating a problem somewhere. If you listen, you have an opportunity to take the problem and spin it into a solution. Solutions create value. Value creates revenue. Revenue creates profits.

Smart firms do this as part of their DNA. They continuously seek feedback from all involved and interested parties. As they take in this feedback they analyze…

  • What went wrong
  • How to eliminate the error / defect
  • Then they take action
  • After action they seek market feedback once again

The cycle continues indefinitely. Organizations are like people, things work best when every function does its job.

How can you make things better?


You will get better results if you lean into it.

Friday, March 6, 2009


"Opportunity doesn't just happen, you can create it if you go out and #makeithappen" dld